
Self-Care Tips After Surgery


Now that your surgery is over, it is time to heal your body. As normal as it seems to be anxious and get back to a lifestyle you were used to, it will take some time. However, there are some after surgery care tips that you can follow to assist in moving your recovery along. Depending on the type of surgery you had, recovery can take anywhere between a week and a few months. There are also some postoperative side effects that you can end up experiencing. Make sure to follow your doctor’s guidelines and these tips to have a quick and safe recovery.


Make sure that you continue to take whatever prescribed medication was given to you to control any pain you are having after surgery. Controlling the pain at home may not be as easy as preventing it. You can also ask your doctor for any additional tips to help you control your pain. For example, if your doctor gave you the okay to exercise before you exercise try taking your meds at least 30 minutes prior.

Incision Care Instructions

Make sure that you follow any directions that your doctor has given you to care for your incision properly. Always make sure to keep your incision clean and dry. Your doctor will probably tell you to avoid showering for the first 24 hours. Make sure to take a shower and not a bath if you have skin tape or stitches.

Go Easy with Activities

It is very normal to feel exhausted after surgery. Make sure to limit your movement at the site of your incision to avoid it from opening up. Do not lift anything until your doctor informs you that you can. Your doctor will also let you know when it is okay to resume sports and exercise. However, it is important to increase blood flow to the incision area so light movement is helpful.

Check for Blood Clots

Make sure that you check for any signs of a potential blood clot which can include:

  • Swelling or pain
  • Discolored skin
  • Larger than normal veins
  • Hot skin

Deep vein thrombosis is also another symptom that many people experience if they have a blood clot. This can include tenderness and heavy aching.

Limit Sun Exposure

Make sure that if you must go outdoors that you cover your scar with sunscreen or protective clothing. You should avoid sun exposure for at least six months after surgery since it can make an incision scar darker.

Be Patient

After surgery care can cause a lot of unwanted stress. Make sure that you are patient with yourself because everyone recovers at their own rate. Keep in mind that it may take a little bit of time until you are completely healed again. Ask close friends and family to assist if needed to help you get the much-needed rest you can.

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