
Holiday Gift Card Shopping Tips


Gift cards are flexible; you can use them continually until it expires. You can reload them and can receive additional value and discounts through it. This innovation was introduced to eliminate the hassle of shopping for your friends. With gift cards, you can gift them  Vanilla visa gift card with an amount specified on the card and they can buy whatever they want.

Gift cards enable shoppers to extensively go through their last-minute holiday shopping list. Here are a few things you need to know about gift cards.

Inspect Gift Cards Before You Buy

Scrutinize a gift card to see if it has all its shielding stickers in place. A scratched off or damaged gift card should be reported.

Always Save the Receipt after Purchase

Saving the gift card receipt can save you if you encounter any problems with the card. 

Gift Cards Should be Treated like Cash

In the event of a loss or theft of a gift card, report to the card’s issuer promptly. Most card issuers provide toll-free numbers to help consumers report a stolen or lost card. Some card issuers may even refund you some money.

Only Purchase Gift Cards from Trusted Sources 

Purchasing gift cards from online auction websites can result in buying stolen or fake cards. 

Read the Terms and Conditions of the Gift Card 

Study the terms and conditions of the gift cards you’re getting. For example, are there charges at every use or even when unused?

Gift cards are for Gifts, Not Payments.

Scammers always attempt to steal people’s money by demanding for gift cards. From calls by imposters claiming to be from the IRS and law enforcement to a family member with an emergency, calls from Social Security, and utility companies, NEVER pay with a gift card for any reason.

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