What is feline whisker fatigue? You may ask. From the word go, it sounds like a situation where your cat’s whiskers get tired, and it is not far from the truth. Whisker fatigue is a problem that could really stress your cat and affect them negatively. It also causes loss of appetite and mood changes. As a cat owner, it is crucial to know what this feline whisker fatigue is, and how to deal with it. Read on to find out more about this.
What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?
Whiskers, for cats, are more than just a physical trait. They are usually filled with sensory collecting nerves that collect information about vibrations and objects around the cat. They also help the cats to hunt in the dark and are a central system to their communication system. They give your cat information on what is going on around them. Whisker fatigue happens when the sensitive whiskers of the cats are routinely brushed up against objects such as water bowls or food. This will cause them pain and discomfort and will make life difficult for them as eating and drinking will be a task. So, whisker fatigue is the over-stimulation of the sensory system of the whiskers. This over-stimulation makes them feel stressed out.
What Are The Signs Of Feline Whisker Fatigue?
Below are some of the common signs and symptoms of whisker fatigue in your cat;
Pawing at food and water out of the bowl
Leaving food in the bowl but still acting hungry.
Leaving a big mess around the bowl while eating or drinking.
Refusing to eat when the food bowl is not kept full to the top.
Being aggressive e to other pets or people around mealtimes.
Pacing near the food bowls like something is wrong.
If you notice that your cat has the above symptoms, then there is a possibility that they may be having whisker fatigue. However, the cat could be showing the above signs for other reasons. Therefore, if you are not sure about it, you can get some expert advice from https://barkingheads.co.uk/.They will help you figure it out.
How To Combat It.
The good news is that fighting feline whisker fatigue is not that hard. What you should do is to choose shallow and wide bowls for your cat. This will ensure that they get enough food and water without the whiskers making contact with the food bowl. It will make them feel less stressed, and they will be happier eating, unlike before, where they were not enthusiastic.
Dealing with feline whisker fatigue is not as daunting g as it seems. It is, however, advised against the trimming of the cat’s whiskers as a preventative measure. This will annoy your cat, mute their expressions, and dim their perceptions. If you find that you have done all the above, and there are no changes, it is advised to see a veterinarian. To get more expert advice, you can check out https://barkingheads.co.uk/.They will guide you on all matters about your cat’s health.